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Waiting Lists

How to use the waiting list feature for your classes

Danielle avatar
Written by Danielle
Updated over a year ago

What is the Waiting List Feature?

Each of your termly classes has the functionality to generate a waiting list once your class has reached full capacity.

You set this capacity when you first schedule the class and can edit this from your schedule or from within the register at any time by clicking the 'Edit' button:

Once the class reaches full capacity, parents and carers won't be able to book onto the class. Instead, they will be offering to join the waiting list.

They will still choose the child they want to book and answer any registration questions you have set up.

Once they have booked onto the waiting list, they will be added to the waiting list tab on your class register which is organised by the date they joined the list.

Adding a Child to the Waiting List Manually

You can add a child to the waiting list manually by accessing the class register > clicking 'Add to Register' > 'Add a Child'

Search for the name of the child and select 'Add to Waiting List'

The child will be added to the waiting list tab on your class register which is organised by the date they joined the list.

How to Invite Parents and Carers to Book from the Waiting List

Once a place becomes available for the class, you can book them from the waiting list.

You can also override the capacity of your class if you'd like to book someone in from the waiting list after you have reached full capacity!

You can offer a parent/carer a place by clicking on the options within the waiting list tab.


  • Pro Rata to book them in for the remaining sessions in the term

  • Full Term to book them in for the term from start to finish

  • Trial to book them in for a trial

This will then provisionally 'book' them in, so no one else will be able to book in from the public booking page while the parent/carer confirms their place.

Parents/carers will then receive an email to let them know. The email will let them know all the details of the class and the child this has been offered to:

Within the email, they can accept the place by clicking 'Pay Online' and paying for their booking.

Please note: discounts cannot be applied to an order for a parent/carer who has been booked in from the waiting list.

Discounts can only be used when a parent or carer is booking themselves into your classes.

If they reject, you will be notified through email:

Their booking will then be cancelled and removed from your register, so you can then offer a place to the next person on the waiting list.

How to Send Messages to People on the Waiting List

If you need to message those on the waiting list from both the class register and the contacts page.

From the Class Register

You can access the waiting list tab on the class register > select the child > click 'Send Message'

From the Contacts Page

You can access the contacts page and use the 'Booking Status' dropdown to filter your contacts by those who are on the waiting list

Select the contacts you want to send a message to (you can also deselect anyone you don't want to message) > click 'Send _ emails'

How to Transfer or Remove a Child from the Waiting List

Transferring a Child to Another Class

You can use the 'transfer' option under the waiting list tab to move a child to the waiting list for a different class.

You will be able to transfer the child's waiting list place over to any of your other termly classes

This will keep the date they originally joined the waiting list once they are transferred.

They will be slotted between anyone else who joined the waiting list on the surrounding dates.

Removing a Child from the Waiting List

If you need to remove a child from the waiting list, you can do this from the waiting list tab in the class register.

Select the child you want to remove > click 'Remove Selected'

You can also remove the child from within the child/parent/carer's profile.

Select the child you want to remove > click 'Remove Selected'

Using the Waiting List Before Your Class Reaches Full Capacity

You might need to move a child's class booking to the waiting list for various reasons. For example, if the child is too young for the class they've booked onto, you can move them to the waiting list until they are old enough.

Access the class register they have booked onto > select the child > click 'Transfer' > 'Move to Waiting List'

The child will then be moved to the waiting list tab on the register:

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