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How to set up discount codes on your system

Danielle avatar
Written by Danielle
Updated over 2 months ago

There are various ways that discounts can be offered through ClassForKids.

You can offer:

  • Sibling Discounts

  • Discount Codes

  • Membership Discounts

You can create any of these discounts from your 'Settings' > 'Discounts'

Please note, discounts cannot be applied to subscriptions. To offer a discount with subscriptions, you can create a new plan at a discounted price.

To read more about how to offer this discount, please see our subscription guide here!

Discounts of any kind will not affect any set-up fees that are running.

Sibling Discounts

Sibling discounts are a great way of encouraging parents/carers to book all their children into your club!

You can add this discount from the 'Discounts' section:

You can add in the discount you are offering and choose whether to offer this to all siblings or those within a specific age range.

Once you set up the discount, this will be automatically applied when siblings are booked within the same order.

Please note, the sibling bookings must be within the same order to receive the discount.

The discount will then be applied to the additional children:

The discount will also be applied when a coach books siblings into classes as long as the bookings are within the same order.

Manual bookings must be added individually. Each booking added for siblings will be added to the same order.

The sibling discount will then be applied to the additional children. Once all the children have been added, a booking confirmation can be sent to close the order.

Discount Codes

Discount codes are a great way to offer a reduction in the price of one of your classes.

Please note, a 100% discount can be offered.

However, if you are offering a discount to lower the cost of the class, the price cannot be reduced to less than Β£1 as this will not be processed.

They can be created from the 'Discount Codes' section:

When setting up your discount code, you can:

  • Name your discount code (please note that this name is just for your records, this will not be the code you share with parents and carers)

    πŸ’‘TOP TIP πŸ’‘

    As the name of the discount code is only for your record, you can give your codes a specific name to allow you to easily keep track of their uses!

    For example, you could call the discount code 'Early Bird Summer 2024' if you plan on using more than one early bird discount throughout the year to distinguish between them!

  • Choose an amount for your discount. This can either be a fixed price or a percentage

  • Decide whether your discount should expire. You can choose for the code to never expire if this is a code that parents/carers will continue to use. Or you can set an expiry if this is a one-time discount code/ early bird code etc.


Once you generate the code this will appear in the discount codes section:

The discount codes are system generated which means that the code itself cannot be customised.

This is just to reduce any issues with multiple clubs creating discounts of the same name and errors occurring when parents/carers apply the code at checkout.

Once generated, discount codes can be distributed through:

  • Your class description

  • Email/ SMS

  • Social Media

Parents and carers will then be able to enter the discount code at checkout using the 'Discount Code' box:

This discount will then be applied to the items in the basket:

Discount codes can only be applied when the parent/carer is booking through the public booking page.

They must insert the discount code before they complete their order, discounts cannot be applied after the order is made.

Discount codes cannot be applied if bookings have been made manually or auto-enrolled. As discount codes are added during booking, and manual bookings/ auto-enrolling bypass the booking process, parents/carers won't be able to add any discounts when paying.

How to View Discount Codes Used

You can see a breakdown of the discount codes used from the 'Financials' tab on the left side menu -

Then the 'Analysis' tab -

From there, click the 'Discount' dropdown and choose the name of the discount code you would like to view -

Once you have selected a discount code, you will be able to view the total value paid on the order, along with the amount discounted -

This will also provide information on the customer, child and other details of their booking -

Membership Discounts

A membership discount gives parents/carers a discount on all their bookings with your club.

They can be created from the 'Membership Discounts' section:

You can choose whether to offer a fixed price or a percentage discount and generate the code.

This can then be shared with any parents/carers you want to give a permanent discount to.

Please note, once you have shared the membership discount this will be automatically applied to all their future bookings. This discount cannot be removed from the parent/carer's account.

If you need further advice on this discount code, please get in touch with the ClassForKids Support Team.

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