The Financials section is a great way to track your income, view a breakdown of how much each class has made and more! This information can also be exported to a spreadsheet outwith the system.
This section can be accessed within the menu on the left by clicking 'Financials'
Within the Financials section, you can access either the 'Summary,' 'Analysis' or 'Outstanding' tab depending on the information you are looking for.
The 'Summary' Tab
The 'Summary' tab provides an overview of all payments and refunds made:
Please note, the total amount shown is the value before the platform fees are taken.
You can view how to calculate the total amount you have made below.
The dropdown can be used to filter by default time periods or a custom date range:
This will show a brief overview of the payments and refunds made for this time period.
This will provide information of:
The date and time the payment/ refund was made
The amount paid/ refunded
The method: this will show whether this was a card payment through the system, a payment outwith the system or a refund
The type of payment: subscription or non-subscription
The Stripe transaction number: if this was made through the system
The fees taken: if you are absorbing the fees and taking payment through the system
The total income made
To calculate the total amount you have made, use the dropdown to select the time period you would like to view and click the 'Export' button:
This will be exported into a spreadsheet.
There will be an 'Income' column on the right side of the spreadsheet.
Click the first number in the income column, hold the shift key on your keyboard and click the last number in the income column:
This total will display as 'Sum'
If you are viewing this spreadsheet on Numbers, this will show at the bottom of the page.
If you are viewing the spreadsheet on Excel, this will show at the very bottom of the page underneath the spreadsheet itself:
The 'Analysis' Tab
The 'Analysis' tab provides a more detailed insight into all payments and refunds made:
This section has a range of dropdown menus that can be used to filter your financials and view specific information.
These include:
Date: this can be filtered to a default time period or a custom date range
Search: the parent/carer or child's name can be entered to view all payments and refunds made
Method: transactions using a specific payment method
Item: the type of booking
Term: any previous and current terms you have set up
Discount: any discount codes you have set up and have been used on an order
Venue: any venues you have set up
Class: any classes you have set up
Please note, if you delete a venue or class, the financial data will still be held in the financials section.
Day: the days your classes/ camps have run
The 'Analysis' section will provide additional information into payment and refunds made.
Please note, the total amount shown is the value before the platform fees are taken.
You can view how to calculate the total amount you have made above.
This will provide information of:
The date and time the payment/ refund was made
The amount paid/ refunded
The method: this will show whether this was a card payment through the system, a payment outwith the system or a refund
The item
The parent/carer's name
The child's name
The class
The day
The time
The venue
The term: this will show the plan for a subscription payment
Please note, the child's name, class, day, time and venue only apply to non-subscription payments as subscriptions are connected to the parent/carer's account rather than a specific booking.
Additionally, the day and time will not apply to camp bookings as camps can be spread across multiple dates and times.
The 'Outstanding' Tab
The 'Outstanding' tab provides an overview of any outstanding payments:
The dropdown can be used to filter by default time periods:
This section will provide details of:
The date and time the order was made
The parent/carer's name
The class or camp that was booked
The set-up fee, if applied
The outstanding balance, this will also alert you if the parent/carer has not paid the set-up fee (if applicable) and one has not been added to the order
From this section, you can also view the order, send an invoice or close the invoice with the button on the right side of the page.