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Custom Registers

How to use the Custom Registers feature on your class registers

Danielle avatar
Written by Danielle
Updated over a month ago

The Custom Register feature adds custom checkboxes or drop-downs to your register which can be used within class registers to keep track of important information, such as:

  • Awards, grades and achievements

  • How the child travels to and from the class

  • Signing in/ out

  • Absences

The Custom Register columns can only be seen by the club, parents and carers will not be able to view this information.

Custom Register columns can be managed by coaches, if you have given them 'Basic Register' access or above.

How to Add a Custom Register Column

Custom Register columns can be added by accessing 'Settings' > 'Register Settings' > 'Custom Registers'

From there, click 'Add New Column'

You can then select the question type as either - checkbox or dropdown

A checkbox will create a checkable/ uncheckable box within the column:

If you choose the checkbox option, you can enter the question for this below:

A dropdown will display the chosen option. This can be changed by clicking on the dropdown and selecting the option you want:

If you choose the dropdown option, you will be able to add in the question. Additionally, the dropdown options can be chosen below under 'Please enter an answer

The plus icon can also be used to add in additional options:

Once custom register columns have been added, they will reflect on your class registers.

For example -

Examples of Custom Register Columns

Please note, when you change the Custom Register column (checking/ unchecking the box/ changing the dropdown) this will apply across all class registers.

If you are using this feature for absences and sign in/out, we advise to uncheck the box once the session is over.



How does the child travel?


Sign in/ sign out:

How to Edit Custom Register Columns

From the Custom Register section, click the pen and paper icon beside the question you want to edit:

The toggle can be used to switch the question to inactive:

From there, the questions and options can also be edited, if applicable.

Once all changes are made, click 'Update Question'

To switch an inactive Custom Register column to active again, switch to the 'Inactive' tab.

Then click the pen and paper icon to edit this.

From there, the question can be edited, if needed, then switched on using the toggle:


​Can we have a Custom Register column that only shows in one or selected registers?

Customer Register columns currently apply across all registers. As this is a newer feature, we are still looking to improve on this, so let us know if this would be something that you would be interested in!

Can we change the order in which the columns appear on the register?

No, the columns will currently show on the register in the order they have been added.

Do customisations apply to camp registers?

As camps are not ongoing like termly class registers, Custom Register columns don't currently apply to camp registers.

Can parents and Carers see Custom Register columns?

No, Custom Register columns are for admin purposes to allow you to keep track of important information. You can use our registration questions feature if you would like to allow parent to input their own information.

Can coaches manage Custom Register columns?

Coaches with 'Basic Register' access or above are able to edit the Custom Register columns. Coaches on 'Super Basic' will not be able to manage this.

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