Offline Registers

Take attendance offline without 3G/wifi and then sync registers when you re-connect!

Heather avatar
Written by Heather
Updated over a week ago

As well as using your standard registers to take attendance, we also offer the option to take your term registers offline (please note this is not available for camp registers yet).

This is designed for your coaches to easily take attendance using a mobile/tablet while not connected to a wifi source. You need to switch this feature on to gain access to it, which you can do via your 'Club features' setting:

How do I use my registers offline?

To access your registers offline, you first need to save the registers you want to see offline. For example, you may only want to save the registers for the sessions happening that day, or only the ones where your coaches will not have wifi. Simply click the Save button next to the classes:

When you go offline the registers you have saved will then appear in a list. Once you have taken the attendance in a register, you will see that you have pending requests (each box you tick will count as one):

When you reconnect to wifi, simply sync the changes you have made. This will then connect to your standard registers in your schedule to keep all attendance up to date:

Take attendance easily

You also have the option to easily take attendance on a one-by-one child basis using the attendance feature within your offline registers. Simply click the date of the session you are taking:

You get a tick or cross option to mark whether the child is there, you can also easily call the parent from here if you want to check and see if they are running late!

While you take attendance you will also be given a live count of how many children are there that day:

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