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Managing Your Team

How to add staff members to your system and assign registers to coaches

Danielle avatar
Written by Danielle
Updated over 5 months ago

How to Add a Staff Member to Your Team

Staff members can be added, managed and viewed within the 'Team' section:

From the 'Team' section, click 'Add a Staff Member' to add an admin or coach to your system. There is no limit on how many staff members you can add.

You can then add in their details and decide whether they are:

  • An Admin - full access to the system (by default the admin will not have financial access but this can be added on later)

  • Coach - limited access to the system and can view the registers you have assigned to them

Once all the details have been added, you can click the green 'Send Invite' button to send out the invitation to your system.

The new staff member will then receive an email allowing them access to the system.

If they don't currently have an account, they will be prompted to create an account to gain access -

If they already have a ClassForKids account, they will be prompted to log into their account to gain access -

Please note, the link in the email is only valid for 15 minutes.

How to Add Financial Access

Team members with Admin access can also be given access to the financials. You can give financial access to as many admins as you'd like.

By default, newly added admins will not be given financial access, however, this can easily be added.

To do this, click the pen and paper icon to edit the team member:

From there, click 'Show Financials' to give the admin this access:

The admin will then be able to access financials from the left side menu:

How to Assign Registers to Coaches

If you have added the staff member as a coach then they can be assigned registers.

Please note: only coaches can be assigned to registers. Admins cannot currently have registers assigned to them as they have access to all registers.

This can be assigned once the coach has been added to the system:

Or by clicking the 'Assign Classes' button next to the coach:

The page will show all the classes and camps that you are currently running.

To assign the coach to this register, click 'Add (Coach's name)'

Once the coach has been assigned to the register, they will be able to view this when they sign in to the system.

If the coach already has registers assigned to them, you can click 'Manage Classes'

From there, you can add the coach to any registers, view the registers they are assigned to and remove them from an assigned register, if needed.

Coach Access

Once you have assigned registers to coaches, you can manage how they view registers using the options below:

Basic Registers

With 'Basic Registers' the coach will be able to view:

  • Children's register information (Parent/carer's name, photo permission, age, upcoming birthday, registration question data, medical information and emergency contacts)

  • If the set-up fee has been paid

  • Any custom register questions you have set up

  • Payment information (the coach will not be able to access the order)

  • Attendance data

  • Trophies

Super Basic Register

With 'Super Basic Registers' the coach will be able to view:

  • Attendance data

  • Emergency contacts

  • Medical information

No Option Selected

If you want to give coaches full access to the register they have been assigned, you can deselect both of the access options.

This will provide them will the same access as an admin, only on the registers they have been assigned. They won't be able to access any other additional areas of the system.

With neither of the register options selected, the coach will be able to view the register in the same way an admin would.

They would have access to:

  • All information on the register

  • The orders for the register

  • Adding or removing children from the register

  • The messaging feature for this register

  • The transfer feature for this register

  • The Check-Ins for the register

  • The Waiting List, Booking Record, Payment Record and Communication Record for this register

Manage Trials

If you are giving coaches access to the 'Basic Registers' you can also enable them to manage any trials that have been booked.

The coach would then be able to manually book, invite or end the trial for anyone in the register.

How to Manage Your Staff Members

From the 'Team' section, specific staff members can be searched for through the search box:

The filters can also be used to show specific staff members:

You can manage your staff members on the system at any time.

Click the pen and paper icon next to the staff member's name to edit their role.

You can switch a coach to an admin and vice versa.

Top Tip 💡

If you want to give a staff member full access to your system without allowing them to see your financials, you can!

Use the pen and paper icon to switch them to an admin and they will have this access without being able to view the financials:

You can also 'Remove' or 'Deactivate' a staff member in your system by clicking the icon below:


If you remove a staff member, this will be deleted from your system.

If you ever want to add them back in again, you would need to re-invite them.

This option is recommended if the staff member will not be returning to your club.


If you 'Deactivate' a staff member, they will no longer be able to access your system.

You can easily add them back in again by using the filters at the top of the 'Team' page to view inactive staff members:

The staff member will be shown with an orange 'Inactive' banner beside them.

Clicking the icon below will give the option to 'Restore' the staff member:

This option is recommended if the staff member will not be teaching with your club for a while but will be returning.

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